Monday, January 25, 2010

New Year's Resolution: Hydrate

We all know, drink your 64 oz of water each day. But did you know that drinking too little water makes the body retain water? It is said that some people carry 10 pounds or more of extra water. This can be caused for a myriad of reasons but consuming too little water, food allergies and hormonal fluctuations are top on the list of causes.

Water isn't the only thing that helps flush the system. Herbs, fruits and vegetable can have the same effect (when combined with the proper amount of water).

This week I voe to drink my 64 oz and incorporate some of the follow recipes into my daily routine.

Hot Lemon Water

Purpose: Your kidneys need water to help flush out all that waste from your system. The lemon water helps your liver and kidneys do their job.
Directions: Heat up 8 oz of water and add 1/2 a lemon.
Drink before breakfast.

Cranberry Water

Purpose: Cranberry juice cleanses the lymphatic system from accumulated wastes, reduced water retention, and helps with cellulite.
Directions: 4 oz of REAL Cranberry Juice (find it in the health food section at your grocery store not on the juice isle) to 28 oz of Water. You can drink up to two of these a day to get your 64 oz of water. It is a little dry tasting at first but soon you will really like the taste. This mix is so good for you after a week you will be able to see the difference it makes on your skin.

Green Tea

Purpose: Rich in antioxidants, can help speed up metabolism, and is even said to help protect skin from sun damage.
Directions: Drink Green Tea as desired throughout the day. Best to drink in the morning since too much caffeine can disrupt sleep.


What I don't get from the above, I will drink in Water to get my total of 64 oz a day.

The New Year's Resolution Contest!!!

Here are the Contest Rules and how to enter:
To enter, post a comment on the Jackson Sage blog about your New Year's Resolution or a comment about how I am doing. Each week you can post a comment to the New Year's Resolution post. (only one comment per blog entry will be counted towards the contest). Posts that are part of the contest will be marked "New Year's Resolution."

As the end of the month, comments from the months posts will be entered into the contest. The winner will receive a $25. gift certificate to Jackson Sage Online Shoppe. Winners will be posted on the blog the last day of each month.
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The official rules: 1) A no purchase is necessary; 2) Start date is the first day of each month, the end dates is the last date of each month that there is a posting for New Year's Resolution; 3) Must be 18 years or old and a resident of the United States of America; 4) No purchase necessary, just sign up by posting a comment on the Jackson Sage Blog; 5) See above for how to enter; 6) odds of winning depend on the number of entries; 7) prize is a $25 gift certificate to shop online at; 8) you will be notified by a blog post. Once notified you have 24 hours to respond to claim your prize; 9) No restrictions apply other than those previously listed; 10) winner will be picked using 11) and Sponsored by Jackson Sage Botanical Skin Care, Richmond, VA,
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Cynthia said...

Green tea's antioxidants start to degrade as it cools, so it's best to drink it while it's hot!!

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