Friday, April 10, 2009

Vitamins & Minerals for Acne

Whether it happens all month long or just that time of the month there are supplements that may help soothe those breakouts. While getting vitamins and minerals from a natural source is always the best, sometimes supplements are necessary. Check your diet to see if you are getting enough Zinc, and Vitamin B and A naturally. If not, a supplements may help soothe those breakouts.

Natural Sources: Found in foods like kelp, pumpkin seeds, green leafy vegetables, onions, fish and nuts.
Benefits to skin: Assist in wound healing, astringent, heals acne, reduce inflammation. Helps with the absorption of Vitamin A. Regulate hormonal production.
Cons: If taking a supplement it may cause nausea. Always take with food and a full stomach.

Vitamin A (Beta-Carotene):
Natural Sources: Found in foods like winter squash, carrots, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and Cayenne pepper.
Benefits to skin: Quicken healing, boots immunity.

B-Complex Vitamins:
Natural Sources: Found in foods like almonds, peas, beans, chicken, green leafy vegetables.

Benefits to skin: Helps with stress! Helps keep skin hydrated. Assist in new skin cell growth. Helps to prevent premature aging and acne!


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